The original Price of a Stamp website when launched.
Price of a Stamp is the first ever single-serving website that’s actually useful! Bookmark it, and you’ll all ways have the price of a stamp handy.
In 2009 the Price of a Stamp site started out as a flat, simple HTML page that just displayed the current cost of postage for a US First Class letter. It became popular when it was featured on kottke.org which is one of the oldest, continuously running blogs of all time (14 years!). After that, attention on BuzzFeed and StumbleUpon made the site a frequently-saved link for folks who forget the rapidly-changing value of a postage stamp.
Since then, it’s been developed into a slightly larger site with a few more pages of content. Hopefully, this stuff proves useful. But if the homepage here simply remains a reminder of the cost of a stamp, it’s done its job!